The Umbrellix Logo. Also a civil emblem of the Evdonia micronation. It's a transparent image with bottom-right corner stripes of red, grey white, celestial, and green.Umbrellix Fiction Lab Fiction, rambles and musings - all here. Fikcio, parolumoj, kaj elpensaĵoj - troviĝas tie ĉi.

Welcome to the Umbrellix Fiction Lab

Bonvenon al la Umbrellix Fikcio-Esplorejo

I appreciate you joining me here. I suspect it wasn't an easy journey. ~Amelia

This page was created in Zim, normally for us Bjornsdottirs a private sort of application. Nonetheless, it, and everything on this site, is intended to be public.

Linking is still in progress, and a sitemap is currently unavailable.

If you want to contribute to Evdonia Paranormal Force, or to Christchurch Flying Club, email!copyright, SMTP/TCP or QMTP/TCP.

Se vi volas kontribui al Evdonia Paranormal Force, aŭ al Christchurch Aviada Klubo, retpoŝtu al!copyright, per SMTP (Simpla retpoŝtMesaĝa Transiga Protokolo) aŭ per QMTP (Rapida (Quick) retpoŝtMesaĝa Transiga Protokolo).

Republic of Evdonia Ministry of Rural Development, Linguistics Division, as a fictional government department of the Republic of Evdonia (fellow with Evdonia Paranormal Force), is also here.

Assorted. Fictional, semifictional, things that fit here better than the main weblog.
Esperantaĵoj - things related to our recent involvement in Esperanto.