The Umbrellix Logo. Also a civil emblem of the Evdonia micronation. It's a transparent image with bottom-right corner stripes of red, grey white, celestial, and green.Umbrellix Fiction Lab Fiction, rambles and musings - all here. Fikcio, parolumoj, kaj elpensaĵoj - troviĝas tie ĉi.


Créée le Thursday 08 February 2024

OOC Note: the frequency given for the ILS at EPF 1 Peace is, in reality, the North Peace Regional Airport VOR. It is not an ILS, to my knowledge.

DATE: 1977AD/5/23

This is a transcript of the tapes from the flight on the 22nd of an interceptor from EPF 5 Kitimat ordering a Foundation jet under Canforce pseudo-civilian cover to land at EPF 1 Peace.

*121.5 MHz*


Unidentified Boeing twinjet, Sword 5-66. You have entered Evdonian airspace with your transponder disabled. No Boeing twinjet is cleared to this altitude on this air track at this time. Say type, souls on board and intentions. Sword 5-66. *click*

*back on Force talk loop*

Sword Kitimat, Sword 5-66, yeah, not hearing from them; on second thought I don't think it's Allied military. They're dressed up as Canadian air force but the Canadians always tell us when they're coming. Sword 5-66.

Sword 5-66, Sword Kitimat. You, do know the telex here is unreliable yes? Canada always telexes us but we only get it maybe 9 times out of 10. You're cleared to try to sight the captain. Negative clearance to fire. Sword Kitimat.

Roger, Sword 5-66.


Boeing twinjet, Sword 5-66. I have been asked to verify you're even alive. Sword 5-66.

*in the flightdeck of your Arrow*

Goodness. I think they're Foundation.

*Force talk loop*

Sword Kitimat, Sword 5-66. I need some backup here. They're trying to evade, and they're not talking. Sword 5-66.

Sword 5-66, Sword Kitimat. I'll see if I can scramble some more jets. Where you at? Sword Kitimat.

Sword Kitimat, Sword 5-66. I'm tailing the Boeing twin over, looks like Prince George. 750km/h ground speed, 460km/h airspeed roughly. Heading 320. They must be hurting for fuel too, those Boeings usually go over 800. Sword 5-66.

Sword 5-66, Sword Kitimat. May I remind you that the scrambled talk loop is not for idle chatter. Sword Kitimat.

Roger, Sword 5-66.

*in the flightdeck of your Arrow*

Why'd I even ask for backup? I can handle this myself. I suppose it's more emotional than anything? The Force has precious little jet fuel, and I don't want to waste it. Easy does it, Chuck. Form up with the 7-3. Watch the Capt's window.

*121.5 crackles to life*

Sword 5-66, Canforce 70. Boeing 737-200. 56 souls on board, around 12,000 lb of fuel, or 5 hours at present burn. We intend to land at Prince George Aerodrome. Canforce 70.

Canforce 70, Sword 5-66. Why is your IFF transponder off? Sword 5-66.

We weren't aware it was? Canforce 70.

*Force talk loop*

Sword Kitimat, Sword 5-66. The 737-200 has a spurious Canforce 70 callsign. The Canadian air force don't generally use Canforce for anything except VVIP transports to my knowledge, and those are usually flights 1, 2 and 3. Captain sounds American, although a lot of the Canadians do too. They're pretending not to be aware their IFF's off. I don't think they have one. They intend to land at PG, so they say. Request clearance to officially intercept. They have plenty of fuel to fly to Peace. I suspect they have amnestic drugs aboard, no idea if they can spray, so ask Peace to roll SCUBA and HAZMAT units. Sword 5-66.

Sword 5-66, Sword Kitimat. Cleared to intercept. Will ask Peace to roll the HAZMAT. Sword Kitimat.

*Phone call on relay shot between EPF 5 Kitimat and EPF 1 Peace airbases*

EPF5: Hi, this is Kitimat Approach. One of ours is intercepting a possible Foundation 7-3 and intends to force them to land at Peace.

EPF1: Ruddy heck. Oubliez mon français mais you bagged a Foundation jet? How many souls on board?

EPF5: *laughs through a newly-donned elastomeric respirator* We think! 56 - five six - souls on board, slightly under 6000 kilos aviation diesel fuel, need HAZMAT when they land.


Canforce 70, Sword 5-66. We don't think you're Canforce. This is an order from the Evdonian Air Force. For the next four minutes maintain present heading, then turn left to heading 80. Sword 5-66.

Sword 5-66, Canforce 70. Roger. Left to heading 80? Canforce 70.

Canforce 70, Sword 5-66. Affirmative. Cross your own flight path. Sword 5-66.

*Force talk loop*

Sword Kitimat, Sword 5-66, request the ILS for Peace Base?

Sword 5-66, Sword Kitimat. You're like an hour away. Is this for the Canforce?

Affirm, Sword 5-66.

Sword 5-66, Sword Kitimat. 114.20 for runway 12.

Sword Kitimat, Sword 5-66. Roger.

Are you going to have enough fuel to get to Peace? Sword Kitimat.

Sword Kitimat, Sword 5-66. Looks like, as long as I don't punch the sound barrier again. You can stand down the scramble by the way, I think I've got this under control, if the Canforce doesn't do anything tricky.

*Phone call*

EPF1: *newly donned respirator also* We're ready for the jet, and we have the fire trucks out as well in case they have trouble with the brakes. Runway 12 is 2 kilometers long. Should be long enough for a half-loaded 73 to take off.

EPF5: Thanks. Can we handover Arrow 66 to you?

EPF1: Affirm.

*back in the Arrow*

Seems like he's still complying. This thing is so thirsty. I can see why they were thinking of putting the ax on it. Well, hey. If they'll let me, I may stay down at Peace for the night rather than refuelling and going back home.

*Force talk loop, now closer to Peace than Kitimat*

Sword 5-66, you're now Sword Peace's problem. Sword Kitimat.

Roger, Sword 5-66.

Sword Peace, Sword 5-66. How copy?

Sword 5-66, Sword Peace. Loud and clear. We're aware of the Canforce.

Somehow he's talking on 121.5. Can you raise him there? Sword 5-66.


Canforce 70, this is North Peace Airbase Approach. How copy?

North Peace Approach, Canforce 70. Reasonably clearly, is that all the transmit power you've got?

Sadly yes Canforce, North Peace Approach. We're aware you've been intercepted. Are you following the Air Force Avro Arrow?

North Peace, yes we are following the EAF Arrow. Canforce 70.

*Force talk loop*

Sword Peace, Sword 5-66. I'm relatively low on fuel (enough to hold for a while), so whether this Foundation jet lands or not I'm going to have to land as well.

Field elevation is 731 meters. Altimeter 1000 hectopascal.


Canforce 70, North Peace Approach. Field elevation is 2400ft, altimeter 1000 hectopascal.

(the landing sequence tapes were not significant from here.) The landing was ultimately uneventful, with the Canforce landing, taxiing off, then the Arrow landing just as he started to have bingo fuel, and the Canforce ultimately taxied to the insecure area of the EPF airbase, where a fuel truck (for the mighty, thirsty Arrow and the 73) and an armed SCBA team met both the aircraft. The Arrow pilot reported that he was time exceeded and was allowed to sleep over in the open barracks at Peace before flying Sword 5-66 back to Kitimat. The Canforce was confirmed to be a Ketair aircraft, and other than treaty-permitted materia, and a missile found to be inop, was clear of contraband. The plane was refuelled and dispatched to a Foundation airbase in Canada. Somehow, nobody got amnesticised, even as non-flight crews from both Ketair and EPF (they were off-duty, so no disciplinary actions were required) laughed over beer in the base's brig. (It has happened before!)

[OOC: I'm actually just too lazy to write the landing and taxi sequence.]