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GoI 302 - Ultraviolet Rapture

Created Tuesday 18 June 2024

Evdonia Paranormal Force: GOI files: Ultraviolet Rapture

CLASSIFICATION: Open 0, Compartment Ultraviolet Rapture

Further information is available from your Records Control officer at the Secret 3 classification level.
OTHER NAMES: Put Together, Kenashke, Kenashkena
ENDONYM: Put Together, Kenashke, Kenashkena
GOALS: Overall, complete breakage of the supposed veil over paranormality, and complete freedom of form, including the shapeshifting of consenting human bodies into semi-human (e.g. anthropomorphic animal) bodies. Advanced non-paranormal scientific research is said to be underway to try to enable this. The propagation of various supposedly-paranormal languages to the general human population in preparation for «Veilfall» is also of great importance to Kenashke.
ORIENTATION: The Site 3 Site Director is no longer on speaking terms with two key members of the observable administration of Kenashke. They hold dramatically different metaphysical views to us. Spies not known to operate within the Force.
ENGAGEMENT: They are to be treated as ordinary trespassers if found on Force property and otherwise left alone. Kenashke, GoI-302, is not a threat to public safety as it exists right now.
NOTE: GoI-302 refers to the whole complex of organizations and relationships that includes Put Together (Kenashke) proper as well as Vulpine Labs, and the spiritual relationships between various figures involved in the same.

GoI-302 is «Ultraviolet Rapture» or formerly «Kenashke» to us. They also call themselves by the name «Kenashke», but more commonly call themselves by «Put Together».

Kenashke claims to be an inter-realm paranormal organization whose goals are, in our Force's opinion, generally prosocial, although in some aspects misguided.

Kenashke claims to be at a long-term war with a group called «Take Apart». Further information about «Take Apart» is extremely limited.

GoIs to Kenashke

While they don't call them that, there are groups which Ultraviolet Rapture has a consistent group-of-interest relationship with.
We catalogue what we know about Take Apart here.

Front companies of Ultraviolet Rapture

Ultraviolet Rapture is known to operate a front company, called Vulpine Labs, Incorporated. Vulpine Labs has a website at and is open about its status as a front company of Ultraviolet Rapture. Further information on the incorporation of Vulpine Labs, Incorporated, including which state it is incorporated in (it is known to be incorporated in the US) is unavailable.

The languages

We have requested the Linguistics Division of the Ministry of Rural Development to reserve two Linguistic Entity numbers for supposedly-paranormal languages spoken by core members of Ultraviolet Rapture: Hazkara (approved, Linguistic Entity 1) and Nian'shen (approved, Linguistic Entity 2). Enough data is available to support the existence of Hazkara as a language. Not enough data is available for Nian'shen, though the data that is available is compatible with grouping both languages in the same phylogenetic language family.

PoI A1 believes the languages are either complete rubbish (as speaking in tongues) or conlangs. The evidence we have does not support the former conclusion, and is naturally silent on the latter (as conlangs become indistinguishable from other languages with use, except that they remain different languages).

Relevant persons

Information will be added here as found out. Please note that some information, while gleaned from public sources, is classified Secret 3 in the interests of only disclosing as much information as necessary to explain what has happened.


* Inamruzui - identifies as an elder goddess of time and balance, and as a demonic jackal-hyena («irnarka» - it's unclear whether this is Hazkara or English) succubus (as well as a former kitsune... figure that one out). Considers mizullum and many other beings to be capable of body-hopping. Identifies as having psychotronic powers. Considers malzul soul to be of type «core» (see below). Information is available which we believe credibly accuses Inamruzui of serious criminal and unethical activity - see your Records Control officer for information (45 megabyte (multiplier: 1024) ZIP file, classified Secret 3). Uses informational control («poisoning the well») to reduce the impact of accusations. Broke contact with the Site 3 Site Director after an incident in the Matrix chatroom involving [Name redacted for irrelevance], a moderator who banned the Director from the [redacted for irrelevance] chat channel. Admin of @otherkinandlgbt, @TheWebOfGenders, @kurushkamikahazkara, and assorted other channels and chatrooms on Telegram, and of the Put Together Discord guild, as well as the Matrix chatroom.
* Athamanatha - kitsune. Considered to have a spiritual contract with Inamruzui. Also identifies as deified. Identifies as having psychotronic powers. Generally a deputy admin in most spaces Inamruzui is an admin in.
* [Name classified Secret 3] PoI-302/M3 - wolves, and unknown creature. Identifies as having psychotronic powers, and limited knowledge of Hazkara. Cisgender male, surprisingly (though some system members are not that gender). Not known to identify as deified. Does not identify as «closely linked to [Inamruzui]'s chats». OSINT investigations have revealed a relatively private figure; if you need more information, see your Records Control officer.

Other persons of interest

* [Name classified Secret 3] PoI-302/A1 - views Ultraviolet Rapture as a cult. We aren't sure we disagree, though we aren't willing to make a final determination on that one. Doubts the existence of Hazkara as a language. Most optimistic view is consistent with Linguistics' Track B hypothesis (that Hazkara is a nascent conlang). PoI A1 does not identify as having psychotronic powers.

Religious practices

Such as Ultraviolet Rapture can be considered a religious unit, its practices are essentially pagan syncretic, though Ultraviolet Rapture is not united by a religion.


Meditation appears to be after the Indian tradition - positions on the body (called a vessel) that are held to be connected to a certain type of energy are called čakrani (or by the Anglicization, used universally, «chakras»).

Because it includes pictures of the (then, as now, living) body of a member of Ultraviolet Rapture, our copy of the meditation guide produced (and apparently published without much reservation) by Athamanatha is classified Secret 3 (Non-Interest), meaning that it is considered extremely sensitive and releasing it could be incriminating to Athamanatha, so special precautions must be taken to ensure it is not released without Athamanatha's consent.



The human body is termed a «vessel» in Ultraviolet Rapture's beliefs. This term is used almost universally to regard a human body. Not using it marks you as an outsider. «Vessel-brained» is a rare, mild insult (seemingly only ever seen towards a belief, not towards a person).

Work on defining this concept for Evdonian government purposes started with the Linguistics Division, as a speaker of Linguistic Entity 1 raised the concept as important to being able to coherently speak Linguistic Entity 1.


There is the general belief that otherkin beings have psychotronic powers, such as telepathy, body-hopping, mind-reading, and remote viewing. These were also raised as important to being able to speak Linguistic Entity 1 coherently.



The concept of a «realm» is similar to the concept of a reality, a dimension (as in «interdimensional»), or some other such concept.

Souls and cores

Both held capable of using a vessel to exist within a realm. Both apparently held to be mortgageable under limited circumstances. Both held to be largely immortal.

Past lives

Seems to be a concept.


Athamanatha reports having become one alongside Alynna, and still being required to fulfill hir time on this Earth. Inamruzui reports always having been one since coming to our reality. Our assumption is that only cores can be deities.

Further information

Of interest is the wider otherkin community, and in particular, the Lostkin Project. While they are not directly affiliated with Ultraviolet Rapture, their website is of interest to helping further understanding of Ultraviolet Rapture's beliefs.


We're not willing to make a final determination on this one.

Language control

In spaces run by Inamruzui, language control is in effect: you may not say things equivalent to "in real life" - you must instead say "in this realm" or similar.