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Créée le Sunday 04 February 2024

Evdonia Paranormal Force: Transcript of the briefing given to 10 decommissioned D-class from Site 7/SCPF Site C10 Willow River

DATE GIVEN: Multiple times throughout 1981 and 1982, this example given December
CLASSIFICATION: Open (as D-class are not normally given security clearances at Team Ketair)
SPEAKER: Section chief Jen Applewhite, Research at EPF Peace.

All in attendance, please raise your hand at oath (if capable) - the index and middle fingers (if present) point skyward and the remaining fingers are curled. By doing so you agree to keep the contents of this meeting secret from those not in this room, and you agree to remain in the room until I say you can go. (Normally I have people repeat a ritual phrase, but I understand some of you are unable to do so for various reasons.) If unable, I will come around and try to get your agreement.

(after trying to get agreement other ways) Thank you.

My name is Jen Applewhite.

You are likely vaguely, and with some confusion, aware of why you are here.

Most important thing first: the suffering is over. You've paid your debt. After this briefing, we have assigned you a home and a pension to get you back on your feet, or you can come work for us if catching and studying what amounts to ghosts is something you're actually interested in.

I'm not allowed to tell you the full story, because of the treaty between the people I'm with and your old employer. Your old employer has cleared me to tell you who I'm with, and who they are, and some information about your circumstances.

I'm the Research section chief for the site on Peace River with the Evdonia Paranormal Force, an arm of the Republic of Evdonia Ministry of Intelligence specializing in the study of the paranormal. You were employed by the SCP Foundation (the letters SCP don't mean anything). According to the treaty, you have been dismissed from your employment and released to our custody for rehabilitation and either release, employment, placement in supportive care, or if you would prefer, termination (which means we kill you at your request). All of you have been given «amnestics», which at our Force we call «forget gas», «forget pills» or similar, during your time with the Foundation. Many of you have been exposed more than twenty times, which is known to cause neurological damage. I've been exposed to them as well. It's a disorienting feeling. In my case, it was during a joint scientific mission back in the '60s, as well as several high-ranking Intelligence and director-level employees. In the event, what they made me forget was nothing important, just an unimportant chat over coffee, which I reviewed on a primitive surveillance film (they, and we, have tapes now, which are much better). The directors were so horrified they banned the use of forget drugs at EPF, if we ever obtained them.

Many of you are amputees, mute, paralyzed, or slightly demented. I am allowed to tell you that these are work-related injuries. I am not allowed to tell you how you contracted them, although I have been told. The SCP Foundation will not be compensating you for them, the stingey bastards; my organization will, which is authorized by the treaty and we have sufficient money to.

Except one, all of you were recruited from prisons in the United States, or British Commonwealth nations that have, or had, the death penalty. You were then clandestinely transported to the SCP Foundation's site, which is the subject of our treaty, and used for testing of things which defy the known laws of physics, neurology, etc. I don't know if all of you actually are criminals, but I know for sure two of you are. (there seems to be a small uprising) ... Would you please sit down? (the uprising ceases)

The employment program you were a part of is called D-class. The D doesn't stand for anything either. We do know that D-class are lied to when they join. Our experience with a similar program is that you do not have to lie, or only use prisoners, for high-risk research.

(An employee asks «Excuse me ma'am, does EPF hire prisoners too?») Yes we do. One of my research colleagues is a convict. Monetary fraud, possession of amphetamines. Hasn't reoffended since joining EPF, which was six years ago. Prisoners working with EPF are issued with slightly different flag patches than workers from outside, but otherwise are uniformed identically and employed at most levels of the Force. All of you are in prison scrubs, as you can see, but we've measured you up for one of these.

I know two of you were unable to give your names when requested, but were otherwise communicative. You two have been assigned false identities and granted asylum here in Evdonia because the SCP Foundation does not retain identity information on this class of employee, so we were unable to retrieve it, and you are legally presumed to be stateless. The remainder of you are known to have been declared dead in your home country; we are working on getting you papers as well.

It is my personal belief, and the EPF's institutional belief, that you have more than paid your debt to society. Should you so choose, we have already secured housing for all of you up in Prince George, the capital of Evdonia, the country you and I are in, for at least three years, subject to secrecy clearance, twice-yearly contact with the parole board and not leaving the country without Intelligence approval.

If helping to study ghosts and things that don't make scientific sense is something you're interested in, I can send a recruiter to the medical rehabilitation barracks to sign you up. (Two people raise their hands or otherwise express interest.)

If you just want to die and never live again, you can ask your doctor for «euthanasia». It's officially illegal in Evdonia, but we are effectively a military organization so we can do that. (One person expresses interest.) I'm very sorry to hear that. Would you like to see a counsellor beforehand, at least? (The same person confirms they would.) Thank you. I'll note that on your medical records

EPF Peace is also an active farming community, supplying its own food and fuel needs and the surrounding non-secret community's. If you're physically healthy enough, and you just want to cut trees, grain and hay and milk cows, we normally have the researchers do that, but I am authorized to hire you for farmhand purposes only. (the only completely physically fit person, plus one hand amputee, expresses interest) That'll be on your intake papers.

(«Where are we?») We're in one of the briefing rooms at the SCP Foundation's joint site with EPF. We call it Site 7 Willow River. To them, it's Site C10, the C standing for «Canada District» (if you see a map, it'll make sense, some messy business led to our secession from BC and Canada in 1901). We are in the sleepy farming village of Willow River, near the capital of Prince George.

All 10 of you will now be escorted to a blacked-out school-bus of typical American, Canadian or Evdonian make, with the livery for a local sports team as disguise. You will be taken to the medical barracks at EPF Peace, Site 1. Thank you for your attendance and compliance. You can request a meal once you arrive, and within reason you will be given one.